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East Rock Creek Village


       Volunteer Code of Ethics

  • As a volunteer, I realize that I am subject to a code of ethics. I assume responsibility and will be accountable for any ethical breaches.
  • I will observe, protect, and maintain confidentiality regarding Village members. When I talk to others about my volunteer work, I will do so without revealing any personally identifying information, such as name, gender, age, address, career or other protected information.
  • I agree that volunteering should be a rewarding experience and I promise not to overburden myself by accepting assignments that I will llater resent having to complete.
  • I interpret "volunteer" to mean that I have agreed to work without monetary or in-kind compensation. I will do my work according to the same high ERCV standards to which any paid staff adheres.
  • I will find out how I can best perform my volunteer activity and will avail myself of all appropriate volunteer training. I will approach the work with an open-minded attitude and offer as much as I can appropriately give, but not more, while always maintaining ERCV members' interests as my primary focus.
  • I will refrain from offering medical, legal, or financial advice to ERCV members.
  • I will avoid any activity that may be construed as a conflict of interest and I will not accept any gifts or loans from Village members.
  • I will respect the cultural, religious, and political views of ERCV members and refrain from imposing my own cultural, religious, or political views on Village members.
  • I realize that I must live up to my promises, and therefore, will be careful to commit myself only to those activities for which I am qualified and available.
  • I understand that all ERCV volunteer assignments will be issued from the office, and I will not accept any personal requests from Village members.

East Rock Creek Village, 7707 13th Street NW, Washington, DC 20012
(202) 656-7322  -  [email protected]